Stay or Go??
Taking up space on earth What kind of departure might I contrive Why hell might be a better berth. No time to play Just bodily decay In all my years of waste Will I ever be of any worth Or should I just depart in haste? There is no end to work nor pain, No time for fun nor pleasures gain. No time for little deeds to others please No time to pray on bended knees. It takes all day to do my chores, My life’s now spent between two doors I am beginning to wonder how it would be To just --- move on, live eternally. Even if I live to ninety seven I will never get to heaven I’m too old to shovel coal Just have to stay here And live on the old age dole. I have my art, my music, my books, my genealogy data I work all day at the computer Growing oldda, growing fatta, Oh what the hell what does it matta? It seems I have to stay here for awhile, So I just might as well live And love and laugh and smile
All poetry copyrighted to Paton Lodge Lindsay |